maanantai 13. huhtikuuta 2015


One of the best realisations today was that of meaningfulness. When designing communications, there are three aspects necessary to pay attention to: message content, art form and media.
All these three need to be meaningful for the community. Research reveals what kinds of meanings a community has. Observing the community, you learn their cultural art forms. And finally, by observing, you find out what media they are using.

For me, the message and media have are very familiar. Art form, however, is not that familiar. Especially thinking of minority populations, in the rural areas, for them the art form is important - instruments, dances, outfits, movements, pictures etc. One session shared an example of a community who took off with Christianity once they realised that they can sing Easter songs using their traditional instruments and musical style.

This couple here in Holland country side was on their traditional horse ride.

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