lauantai 31. tammikuuta 2015

Radio for education

I have been visiting here in Cambodia several local radio Krusa-FM listeners. Being able to go to ordinary citizen's homes is a priviledge. There are surprises...
- city houses are big, with a huge frontyard, tall buildings, white tile floors that require constant maintanance and cleaning
- Buddhist families have altar in the house
- everybody is hospitable: water, tea, sweet Cambodian oranges (kuvassa), even complete meals have been offered
- some listeners give bananas and mangos to take home
- usually furniture is made of wood
- sometimes there is no furniture, and we sit on the white floor

The conclusion from meeting these listeners is that Krusa-FM educates them in way that no other Phnom Penh radio station do. Its health, social and family programs contain useful information for families. One family calls the station to be parenting the family via programs. One listener told that she informs other people in the community about what she learnt and recommends them to listen too.

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