torstai 14. lokakuuta 2010

Valmistelua - includes english comments


Tällä hetkellä tutkimustiimissäni on kolme jäsentä; Annisa, Meta ja M Reza. Heistä kaksi on valmistuneet jo yliopistosta, ja Annisa vielä opiskelee. Metalla on työkokemusta yksityiseltä radioasemalta, kun taas M Reza on valmistunut maatalouden viestinnästä. Aika mielenkiintoista porukkaa. Tarvitsen vielä lisää muutaman, ehkä Respon Radion hnekilökunnasta joku liikenee...

8 kommenttia:

  1. Loistavaa, että voi plokia tsiigailla! I'll be watching you. Siu!

  2. Eila's computer wouldn't start her first day in Indonesia! Please pray for her. She arrived safely and had a great sleep, but was disappointed about the computer naturally. I received this text message via sms yesterday..."As for computers one of the most frustrating days for my life. As for relationships and work one of the most most rewarding days of my life. Good night over there i do not have a clue for the rest of the world love aiti." Aiti is mom. Eila had told me earlier she was in a deluxe hotel room but the T.V. didn't work, and her shower water was only cold. That explains why she doesn't know maybe even what is going on in the news there! :-)

  3. If you want to follow the news about Indonesia, the best source is maybe the Jakarta News online site. Go to and you will get the latest. You do know there was an earthquake and Tsunami her first day there, and a volcano is active and they were preparing to evacuate 40,000 people, and the Jakarta traffic was gridlock. All can be seen on this Jakarta Post site. Pray for the people there and for her work there amongst the chaos in the country due to these events.

  4. Hi Eila And Patrick. No panic. There is some good reason why our This go's like this. I do not add Eila's blog to our site before Eila 's computer problem is solves. We'll pray in our office today.

  5. Hi Prayer people! An email this morning in Finland from Indonesia had this message: "The latest news on Mentawai 350 died and 450 missing.our President will be on the location this morning.43 people died due to eruption on Mount Merapi in Central Java.
    Thank you for your prayers." Ilkka...Eila just sent me a text message saying the computer guy there got her laptop to work, so I don't see why you shouldn't add her blog to your site. All for now, Patrick P.S. Thanks to everyone who prayed for this!!!!! Keep it up for the people affected by the earthquake, tsunami, and eruptions!

  6. I just talked with Eila on Skype! Her computer works fine for now. Tomorrow (Friday) Eila will interview drama, follow-up, and others with her recorder. On Saturday they have a radio course and eila will be a guest and speak about research. Sunday she goes to Padang with Jose who is manager of Jakarta Heartline. She has a meeting with regional managers tomorrow. Eila was downtown today and said even the freeway is very slow and unusually busy. People have huge cars that you see in America. Motorbikes are like little bees passing by. That is the good thing to travel. She is wondering how they keep from getting into accidents. And she thanks for your prayers. Hopefully she will be able to add her comments to the blog as soon as she gets help with the Indonesian language which comes up by default when she opens the blog site! :-)

  7. Eila goes to Padang tomorrow with two FEBC engineers Mike and Guy. Her computer is unreliable, but she has been able to use it when she needs it. And has most of what she needs now on a memory stick so she can use someone else's computer if need be. She is one third of the way through the trip and says she is already worn out and hasn't even started the work yet. Her main goal is the of building a team in Padang to collect research materials and work together to decide on Media interviews and Focus group planning.. Please pray for this work coming up.

  8. November 5th. Eila's laptop wouldn't start yesterday. Others tried too, but it isn't working. Maybe that is the end of it. At least while she is in Indonesia. Yesterday we chatted on Skype for a short time because she had borrowed someone else's computer. Sorry I can't give you an update on what she did yesterday. Patrick
