But the interesting thing is where the Minangkabau got Islam. At first, there were Buddhist influences, but when the Acehnese arrived, their influence was so strong. Islam became the dominant religion. The spread of Islam was facilitated by the schools, first of them established in 17th century.
Sunday seems to be shopping day. Here near my hotel is a big American style shopping center. Loudspeakers announcing the latest sales. Carrots were for sale, instead of 700 rupiah they were 500 rupiah half a kilo. I could have bought anything but I bought nothing and walked for exercise.
Next to the hotel is also a broken Catholic church, which was struck by the earthquake one year ago. They are repairing it, but temporarily they meet under an open roof. I went to the church, expecting to see few people there. But it was full! About two hundred people. It made me feel home when the hymnal included some introitus, confession, Kyrie, Agnus Dei etc. as my home church. Amazing.
Hei arvon kolleega! Olen ymmälläni, kummalla kielellä kirjoittaisin? Kivasti kirjoittelet. Kiitos vain eksoottisista kuvauksista. Hienoa että olet terve ja iloinen. Onko vauvanukkekaupoissa jo onnistanut? Täällä on marraskuu alkanut tosissaan, pimeää pukkaa! Voi hyvin!
VastaaPoistaKiitos Eila mielenkiintoisesta blogista.Olen lukenut kaikki mutta olen ollut laiska kommentoimaan vaikka tiedän että kommentit innostavat kirjoittamaan lisää.