I opened my tv on Metro TV this morning. Breaking news shows me photos of vulcano eruption. This is nothing new - I have been here one and a half weeks now and it feels like there is always a calamity going on. The whole world probably has seen the same shots on their tvs or internet news - lava flows, ashes like snow on windshields, people running in front of the lava flow. I reported my mother right away that Merapi is far away from Padang, actually it is in Central Java, while I am in West Sumatra, on a different island. Here the day was most beautiful an bright - actually the prettiest so far as I have been here. Most of the time it has been raining. Hujan (in Indonesian rain).
I amuse people with Indonesian words and sentences. I know now to tell about my family, children, and their ages. And of course, I tell I tinggal di Finlandia. If I say I am from Finland, they always think I am from England. Finlandia needs no corrections.
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